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Searching Bugzilla

The Bugzilla search form looks off-putting to first time users. But, with a little practice, you can have it doing what you want (at least most of the time).

But it looks so scary!

OK... First, look at how many of those fields you actually need. They're there so they *can* be used, not so you *must* use them. Notice how most fields don't have a default value? Depending on the bug, often the summary or URL field is enough.

If you're running a really simple query, sometimes entering a few terms on the Bugzilla front page will get you where you want.

The search form's OK, but I never find what I want.

Are you trying as many ways the bug can be written as you can think of? For example, as well as "images", try "pictures", and maybe even "photos", depending on the site. Also, unconfirmed bugs are not included by default. If you are planning to report a bug, include them in your search.

Website X is broken, and I can't find anything about it.

You should try three sets of query: Bugs with the summary of website X broken, bugs with the URL of website X, and bugs on problem Y, which is what X is doing. Also, remember that more than one page is likely broken at X, so don't just search on the exact URL you're having problems with.

Cutting down on searches

One way is to try several variants of a word at once. Say you wish to search for variants on the word capture (capturing, captured, etc.). Note they all begin "captur". So use that as your search term, and use "all words as substrings" as the option for those terms. The quick search box does this as default.

You haven't answered my question! I have something to add!

Use the "contact" link on the left to pester me.

Is there anything else I can read?

Why, yes...
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